Industrial Utility Efficiency


Outdoor area lighting can be defined as streets, roadways, parking lots and pedestrian walkways. These applications have been subjected by conventional lighting technologies such as high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps and fixtures. HID lighting has been utilized for many years in outdoor area lighting applications and have well-documented performance attributes. Today’s advancements in Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology have resulted in a new alternative for outdoor area lighting, which has several advantages over existing conventional lighting.

Energy Management at Visteon

There are three main segments in Visteon's climate group are climate systems, powertrain cooling and engine induction. Climate systems include refrigeration compressors, fluid transport, heat exchangers, battery cooling modules, climate controls, auto defog/demist systems, and multi-zone HVAC systems. Powertrain cooling systems include heat exchangers (radiators, condensers, charge-air, exhaust-gas), airflow management, and diesel and hybrid thermal management. Engine induction includes air induction systems and intake manifolds.

Seven Sustainability Projects: Project Implementation

This article reviews the 7th of the key elements for Low Cost – High Value energy savings.  Each of the previous articles reviewed types of projects which are applicable at many facilities.  The projects ranged from simple procedural actions such as turning off equipment when it is not making a product to more complex, like adding a water to air heat exchanger and extracting heat from the coolant loops to provide warmed make-up air.

Sustainability at RR Donnelley

Sustainability at RRD starts with a philosophy. It is then executed through a global policy and objectives. RRD’s philosophy does not see sustainability as making a choice between being cost-effective and improving environmental impacts. On the contrary, sustainability represents integrating these two factors. This philosophy guides our sustainability objectives and strategies.

Seven Sustainability Projects: Lighting Optimization

Reducing energy costs and pollution emissions involves many areas within an industrial facility.  My studies have found 7 key (or common) areas where low cost practical projects can be implemented.  Combined, these projects provide savings exceeding 10% of the annual energy spend of a typical industrial facility - with an average payback of less than one year.